The Right Type of Music for Improved Productivity.

Art Culturati
3 min readOct 9, 2020


Seize the day, the fun way!

A Screen that says ‘do more’

‘The Mozart Effect’, or the idea that listening to Mozart right before taking a test or starting an important assignment increases the level of productivity, is the most controversial study ever.

Science backs a part of this theory, stating that listening to music increases the secretion of Dopamine and Serotonin, the ‘happy’ hormones and that, in turn, increases productivity. Another study shows background music negatively impacts memory.

Another study shows background music negatively impacts memory.

Music, in general, has the same effect on us as food, sex and drugs. The regions of our brain associated with emotions and reward are aroused because of the beats and rhythm, making us energetic and peppy.

If you find yourself tapping your feet at the beat of your favourite music, its because music stimulates the motor cortex, responsible for voluntary movements.

Music is a form of expression and most people shed their burdens of life through music which takes away the pain and distraction, albeit for a short period.


But the kind of music you are listening to is an important factor. If you are struggling amidst all the distractions, here is the exact kind of music you need for different situations:

Listen to your favourite songs- Studies show that people are more productive when they are privy to songs they like/prefer. That makes them divide attention more towards work, the song not stealing the limelight. However, here’s the catch. Avoid listening to music that’s overly lyrical (such as rap or pop).

Pick your music based on the job at hand- For repetitive and monotonous work, go for an upbeat song, which will help you to stay motivated.

If your job involves concentration and attention to detail, listen to a piece of simpler music, preferably instrumental tunes.

If you get distracted easily or tend to analyse the music you’re listening to, ambient noise is your bear friend.

If your job requires you to learn new things, you might want to turn the music down as music affects memory and doesn’t allow you to retain information with precision and accuracy.

Your productivity at work depends on the choices you make.

Music is different for Introverts and Extroverts- According to a study in Applied Cognitive Psychology, if you are an introvert, you should go easy on the music. As compared to extroverts, introverts retain much less information after a particular time interval, while listening to music during work.

A laptop with headphones on top of it.

Make yourself a playlist- If you know that exact kind of music that gets you in the mood, you might want to consider creating a self-curated playlist. Mood therapy using music usually starts with slow music, one that doesn’t force you into productivity. Move on to a power song, upbeat music that gives you an energy punch, especially during a strategic point. Make sure you modify your playlist from time to time and include the songs that make you feel good.

The studies associated with Music and Productivity is still in its preliminary stages and listening to music only wouldn’t make you the ‘Employee of the Month’. But it might keep you from getting fired due to a missed deadline. Just Kidding! or are we?

by Mridula Gupta



Art Culturati
Art Culturati

Written by Art Culturati

An art and entertainment company based in India.Its an oasis for Artists providing them the right platforms through its various events and media activity.

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